Translation Service vs. Localization Service. How Do They Differ?


Once your website starts receiving traffic from various corners of the world, it becomes important to increase the retention rate among these visitors. The translation and localization of your website are the twin steps you need to improve the user experience of international website visitors and, therefore, entice them to remain on your site longer and increase your chances of conversion. In fact, a 2020 study by the Common Sense Advisory (CSA) showed that 76% of consumers in 29 countries prefer to buy products and services in their own language.

However, it is important to point out that there are some distinct differences between translation and localization services. At Latitude Prime, we are your trusted provider of website localization and translation services for numerous types of businesses and organizations.

Translation and Localization

Translation involves converting your content from the original language into the target language, following proper syntax and grammar rules, appropriate idiomatic language, and correct terminology. In other words, it is a complex process that is much more than simply a word-for-word rendering of one language into another. It also has to take into account the guidelines and standards of both languages.

A translation service is used to translation materials such as manuals, technical publications, medical documents, business documents, scientific literature and journals, and more. Professional translators have the skills and experience to produce accurate translation work to ensure the message that must be conveyed from the source language is conveyed accurately and appropriately in the target language.

On the other hand, localization services are more about adapting the message from the source language to one or more local or regional audiences. Localization is used extensively for software, voiceovers, multimedia content, mobile applications and websites. Therefore, it tends to be more “technical” in nature since it can also involve coding, conversion of graphics, and the complete adaptation of the content for the target region (e.g., date/time format, currency conversion, color schemes, etc.). This is all in addition to the unique linguistic requirements of localization.

For instance, even though the countries of Mexico, Argentina, and Spain all use Spanish as their official language, localization services will adjust the content for each country to fit their unique requirements and target audiences. There are local dialects and versions of Spanish in each of these areas, just as English and various between the United States and other nations such as Canada, Great Britain, and Australia.

Localization services consider these nuanced linguistic distinctions, such as local jargon and slang, in addition to the cultural differences, when implementing a digital marketing strategy and create better brand identification in your new markets.

Translation is Not Enough to Succeed in Many Local Markets

In order to localize your content for each regional audience, you will have to go beyond simply translating the content into the target language. To increase engagement from the visitors to your site, your content must match local expectations, cultural and linguistic nuances, and socio-cultural circumstances. This is done through localization and not simply the use of a translation service. In this way, the localized content will appear to your target audience as if it was originally written and created just for them.

To learn about the comprehensive translation and localization services we offer at Latitude Prime, call us today at 888.341.9080 or send an email to


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