Whether you need Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for a nagging headache or something more serious, your treatments have come from the biotech and pharmaceutical industry. The biotech and pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest and most important economic sectors of the U.S. economy, generating roughly $1.3 billion in economic output, and accounts for around 75% of the global biotech and pharmaceutical R&D (research and development).
More now than ever, though, we rely on cooperation with biotech and pharmaceutical countries from all over the world to develop and disperse life-saving medicines and biotechnology. As a result, the need for high-quality translation, interpretation, and localization services for biotech and pharmaceutical companies has been growing exponentially, right along with the growth of the industry itself.
Latitude Prime is a leading provider of biotech and pharmaceutical translation, interpretation, and localization services, in more than 200 languages and dialects. When dealing with the translation of regulatory filings for foreign government approvals, translation and validation of Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO)s and clinical instruments, or even the translation of foreign patent applications, even one mistranslated word can cause grave legal consequences or become a matter of life or death.
Whether you need to translate information for a clinical trial, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), regulatory information for a foreign market, or even marketing materials for the sale of medicines globally, biotech and pharmaceutical translations must be linguistically accurate above all, as the information can truly be a matter of life or death. That is why some of the largest biotech and pharmaceutical companies in the United States choose to partner with Latitude Prime.
We offer a dedicated team of scientific translators, subject matter experts, and project managers who routinely work with pharmaceutical companies, clinical laboratories, research organizations, government regulatory agencies, and more for their language support needs. Among the many types of biotech and pharmaceutical translation, interpretation, and localization services we have provided to our clients include:
Our experts will work with you throughout each phase of Research & Development (R&D), clinical trials, regulatory submissions, manufacturing, and marketing. We will also build custom style guides, glossaries, and Translation Memory (TM) databases to ensure the correct translation of key technical terms and jargon to support the translation and localization processes.
Latitude Prime’s team of professional biotech and pharmaceutical translators are among the most highly qualified and experienced language and subject matter experts in the biotech and pharmaceutical fields. In fact, many already work in the industry, are retired from the industry, and/or possess advanced degrees in life sciences, medicine, and other relevant disciplines.
Additionally, all of our professionally certified linguists are fully tested and vetted, and all projects go through our comprehensive, multi-step Quality Control process in accordance with industry standards, ISO standards, and ASTM International Standards for Translation and Interpreting. In addition to our standard quality control process for biotech and pharmaceutical translations, we can also employ back translation when requested.
The next time you need accurate and reliable biotech & pharmaceutical translation, interpretation, or localization services, be sure to choose Latitude Prime as your trusted language services partner!
The United States has always been a country that welcomes immigration and we have always benefited economically and culturally from the integration of individuals and families from other countries into our society and economy. However, as these individuals and families begin their integration, they may not yet speak English at high level. It is estimated that there are more than 25 million individuals in the United States with Limited English Proficiency (LEP). From communicating with schools, healthcare providers, public services, and more, it is important to make sure critical information is provided to them in their native language so that they receive equal treatment and access.
Latitude Prime is a leading provider of translation, interpretation, and localization services for public information and community outreach, in more than 200 languages and dialects. Whether providing an interpreter to a meeting for a child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to the translation of public health notices during times of emergency, we take our responsibility to providing language access to LEP individuals and help to bridge the communication barrier when it comes to providing critical access to information for LEP individuals and communities.
Federal laws and regulations related to language access include Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI regulations prohibiting discrimination based on national origin, and Executive Order 13166, which orders federal agencies and programs to provide meaningful language access to LEP individuals for federally funded programs and activities. Additionally, many states and localities also have provisions requiring language access services for LEP individuals.
Our dedicated team of professional translators, interpreters, subject matter experts, and project managers work with government agencies, non-profit and community organizations, educational institutes, and much more. Among the many types of public information and community outreach translation, interpretation and localization services we provide for LEP individuals and communities include:
Latitude Prime’s team of professional community-based translators and interpreters are among the most highly qualified and experienced language professionals in the business. More importantly, they are also members of the communities for which they translate and interpret and know how best to communicate vital information.
However, we do not just work with the above types of organizations when it comes to language access. We also work with businesses large and small to reach out and expand their marketing presence to Limited English Proficient (LEP) communities right in their own backyards. This allows businesses to build more business and tap into potentially large markets. In fact, according to studies, more than 75% of consumers prefer to buy products or services in their own language.
Finally, all of our professionally certified translators, interpreters, and subject matter experts are fully tested and vetted, and all projects go through our comprehensive, multi-step Quality Control process in accordance with industry standards, ISO, and ASTM International Standards for Translation and Interpreting.
The next time you need accurate and reliable public information and community outreach translation, interpretation, or localization services, be sure to choose Latitude Prime as your trusted language services partner!